Medicine and




macchinario PRP

PRP Therapy

PRP therapy is an innovative regenerative treatment that uses the patient’s platelet-rich plasma. It is applied in various medical fields, from orthopedics to dermatology and cosmetic surgery. It can be used to treat muscle, joint, and tendon injuries, improve skin, promote hair growth, and support healing after certain surgical procedures.

stanza haloterapia

Halotherapy and Spirotiger

Halotherapy is a health method used for the treatment and prevention of asthma, allergies, and many other respiratory diseases. It is also used for the treatment of dermatitis and dermatosis, stress, physical and mental fatigue, and smoking cessation. The “Spirotiger” is a respiratory training device that helps improve lung capacity and respiratory function by using adjustable resistance during inhalation and exhalation.

puntura di ossigeno ozono

Oxygen ozone therapy

Oxygen-ozone therapy involves the administration of a mixture of oxygen and ozone with anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. It is recommended for patients suffering from sciatica, herniated discs, dermatological, vascular, intestinal, and viral diseases. This therapy provides benefits such as reduced chronic pain, improved blood circulation, and immune system stimulation with antibiotic effects. Administration methods include intramuscular injections, topical applications for bedsores or diabetic ulcers, autohemoinfusion, and rectal or vaginal insufflations.

donna che esce da criosauna

Systemic Medical Cryosauna

Medical Cryosauna (KRION) is a procedure that exposes the entire body to temperatures ranging from -110°C to -160°C, and in some cases as low as -190°C, for a short period of time. This innovative treatment works on various levels within the body and is highly effective for correcting aesthetic issues, treating contusion-related trauma, inflammation, swelling, and accelerating athletic recovery and metabolism. It helps balance bodily systems, promotes oxygenated blood circulation, regulates the nervous system (burnout, depression, sleep management), and regenerates the skin (allergic itching, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, aging, and age spots).

Localized Cryotherapy targets specific areas of the body in medical and physiotherapeutic settings. It is used for inflammation, contusions, or localized injuries, anti-aging treatments for the face and body, stimulating collagen production in the skin, and treating localized acute pain. In our clinic, this therapy is also applied for hip dysplasia in dogs, as the animals feel pain relief and become more trusting, allowing them to be treated.

manipolazione osteopatiche

Osteopathy and posturology

The osteopath begins with a detailed study of the postural system to identify the cause of postural dysfunction and correct it, usually using gentle maneuvers and manipulations. If necessary, postural reprogramming is implemented through the application of custom insoles. This allows the patient to autonomously reprogram their posture, letting the body’s innate intelligence eliminate the dysfunction and restore health. Manual skills are used to diagnose and treat dysfunctions in the musculoskeletal system and internal organs. The therapy is individually adapted to each patient.


Physiotherapy is a therapeutic practice aimed at treating and preventing musculoskeletal and neurological disorders. Through specific exercises, manipulations, and targeted techniques, it helps reduce pain, improve mobility, and promote rehabilitation. It is ideal for recovery from trauma, surgical interventions, or chronic conditions.

braccio con prove allergiche


Allergology is a medical specialty that focuses on the study, diagnosis, and treatment of allergies and allergic reactions. The allergist concentrates on the etiology and pathogenesis of the disorder, which means they focus on the dysregulation of the immune system rather than the affected organ involved in the condition.

Treated Conditions

  • Allergic rhinitis and its complications

  • Bronchial asthma

  • Food allergies and intolerances

  • Urticaria-angioedema syndrome

  • Atopic dermatitis and contact dermatitis

  • Drug allergies and hymenoptera venom allergies

  • Occupational allergies

Therapies Used

  • Sublingual and injectable specific immunotherapy

  • Pharmacological therapy

  • Halotherapy

  • Oxygen-ozone therapy

medico che cura i piedi


Podiatry focuses on the study of issues related to the structure of the foot and lower limbs. This field is concerned with the diagnosis and medical-surgical treatment of the feet and ankles, and, when related to the feet, also addresses conditions affecting the lower extremities of the legs and even the back. Podiatrists work with patients of all ages, from the very young to the elderly, and cater to all types of needs, including both athletes and non-athletes.

paziente su lettino idroncolonterapia

Hydrocolonic therapy

Hydrocolonic therapy is a treatment that involves irrigating the colon with water or special fluids to remove accumulated waste and debris. It is useful for resolving constipation, digestive difficulties, bloating, atonic colon, dysbiosis, intestinal mycosis, skin diseases, and even for preparing for a colonoscopy or surgery. Hydrocolonic therapy is particularly beneficial in the presence of functional disorders of the colon and in rehabilitating intestinal peristaltic capacity.

Painless and hygienic, this medical treatment completely cleanses the intestines, eliminating waste as well as dead cells, mucus, and bacteria that inhibit the growth of intestinal flora, restoring proper bowel function, detoxification, and alleviating numerous disorders such as dysbiosis, bloating, constipation, fatigue, mood and sleep disturbances, allergies, frequent cystitis, and candidiasis. This therapy is indicated in preparation for a colonoscopy examination.